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AKWA, JOAO VICENTE; Desenvolvimento de uma Metodologia de Otimização Paramétrica; Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico, 2011

AKWA, JOAO VICENTE ; ALVES DA SILVA JUNIOR, GILMAR ; PETRY, A.P.; Verification of the overlap ratio influence on moment and power coefficients of a savonius wind rotor using computational fluid dynamics; Proceedings of 21st INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING - COBEM, 2011. Rio de Janeiro: ABCM, 2011

AKWA, JOAO VICENTE; PETRY, ADRIANE PRISCO; Análise do desempenho de rotores eólicos savonius empregando o método de volumes finitos; Revista Brasileira de Energia Solar, v. II, p. 164-175, 2011

AKWA, JOAO VICENTE; PETRY, ADRIANE PRISCO; Verification of the stators use influence on power and moment coefficients of a savonius wind rotor using computational fluid dynamics; Proceedings of 21st INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING - COBEM, 2011, 2011

AKWA, JOAO VICENTE; VIELMO, HORACIO ANTONIO ; PETRY, ADRIANE PRISCO; A review on the performance of Savonius wind turbines; Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews , v. 16, p. 3054-3064, 2012

ALEXANDRE H. D. MARTANI, WILLIAM YUGUE, FABIO C. MOKARZEL E JAIRO PANETTA; Exploração de Paralelismo na Migração Sísmica Ômega-X-Y; ERAD-SP 2012

ANVERSA, JONAS ; Comportamento sob pressão da interface (001) CdTe/HgTe; XIII Escola Brasileira de Estrutura Eletônica. Cuiabá, 2012

ANVERSA, J. ; PIQUINI, P.; The effects of an explicit water environment on the interaction of a single wall carbon nanotube with amino acids: A theoretical study; Chemical Physics Letters (Print), v. 518, p. 81-86, 2011

BARBOSA, RAFAEL.; First Principles Study of Fluorine Interaction in BC2N Nanostructures; Encontro de Física. Junho/2011. Foz do Iguaçu - PR. Brasil.

BEVILACQUA, ANDRESSA; Estudo teórico das propriedades eletrônicas de nanoestruturas de BN; Jornada Acadêmica UFSM, Santa Maria, 2012

BRITTES, R.; FRANCA, F.H.R.; A Hybrid Inverse Method for the Thermal Design of Radiative Heating Systems; International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2013.

CAPUANI, H. H., RIGO, VAGNER ALEXANDRE, MIRANDA, C.; POLARIZABLE INTERATOMIC POTENTIAL FOR CARBONATE SYSTEMS FROM FIRST PRINCIPLES; Advanced School on Computational Materials Science for Energy and Environmental Applications ASCMS; 7 a 16 de Setembro de 2011.

CHIODI, C. G.; GIESEL, G. M.; VERLI, H. ; Structural model of Trypanosoma cruzi NETNES glycopeptide; XLI Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology-SBBq, Foz do Iguaçu-PR-Brazil, 2012

CHIODI, C. G.; GIESEL, G. M.; VERLI, H.; Structural characterization of NETNES glycopeptide from Trypanosoma cruzi; Innate Immunity: From Evolution to Revolution. Sorrento, Itália, 2012

DE FREITAS FILHO, D..G.R. ; KUCHLE, JEFFERSON ; PETRY, A.P; Use of computational fluid dynamics analysis of wind power potential or a micrositing ; International Congress of Mechanical Engineering, 2011, Natal - RN. Proceedings of International Congress of Mechanical Engineering. Rio de Janeiro: ABCM, 2011.

DOS SANTOS, E. D. ; PICCOLI, G. ; PETRY, A. P. ; FRANCA, F. H. R.; Analysis of mixed convection in transient laminar and turbulen flows in driven cavities; International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer , v. 54, p. 4585-4595, 2011

FILHO, DALMEDSON GAUCHO ROCHA DE FREITAS ; PETRY, ADRIANE PRISCO; Análise da Aplicação da Dinâmica dos Fluidos Computacional para Avaliação do Potencial Eólico em Terrenos Complexos; Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 2012

FREIRE, JOANA G.; PÖSCHEL ,THORSTEN; GALLAS, JASON A. C.; Stern-Brocot Tree: A Unifying Organization of Oscillations for a Broad Class of Phenomena; submetido para publicação, 2011

FREIRE, JOANA G.; RAMIREZ-AVILA, GONZALO M.; GALLAS, JASON A. C.; Bifurcation scenarios in vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers with optical injection;

FREITAS FILHO, DALMEDSON GAUCHO R. DE; PETRY, ADRIANE PRISCO; KUCHLE, JEFFERSON; Use of Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis of Wind Power Potential of a Micrositing; 21st International Congress of Mechanical Engineering, 2011

GOMES, CAMILA,SPOLAVORI, ANDERSON,KRUSCHE, NISIA ROCHA,ROSMERI; Estudo de caso: Simulação numérica do nevoeiro de advecção do dia 1 de julho de 2010; Rio Grande, 2012.

GOMES, CAMILA, SPOLAVORI, ANDERSON, LEITE, MAIKEL, KRUSCHE, NISIA, ROCHA, ROSMERI; Simulação de nevoeiros de advecção em Rio Grande, RS, Brasil: Análise das condições iniciais e de fronteira em modelo de mesoescala; Mendoza, Argentina, 2012.

JUNGES, LEANDRO; GALLAS, JASON A. C.; Intricate routes to chaos in the Mackey–Glass delayed feedback system; Physics Letters A, 376, 2109-2116 (2012)

LARA, L. S., RIGO, VAGNER ALEXANDRE, GIRO, R., MIRANDA, C ; Functionalization Of Silica Nanoparticles For Enhaced Oil Recovery; Advanced School on Computational Materials Science for Energy and Environmental Applications ASCMS; 7 a 16 de Setembro de 2011.

LOPES, SILVIA R.C ; PRASS, TAIANE S.; Theoretical Results on FIEGARCH processes; Physica A (em processo de revisão), 2012

LOPES, SILVIA R.C; PRASS, TAIANE S.; Quasi-likelihood Estimation on SFIEGARCH Process: a Simulation Study; Joint Statistical Meetings, San Diego, 2012

LOPES, S.R.C.; Quasi-likelihood Estimation on SFIEGARCH Process; Multifractal, Non Stationarity and Risks Conference. Paris, 2012

LOPES, S.R.C.; PUMI, G. E ZANIOL, K.; Mallows Distance in VARFIMA(0, d, 0) Processes; Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, Vol. 42(1), 24-51. DOI: 10.1080/03610918.2011.627101

LUDWIG, DANIEL EVANDRO ; GUSTAVO DIAS FLECK ; PETRY, A.P.; Effects of atmospheric boundary layer in numerical analysis of wind turbine wake aerodynamics; International Congress of Mechanical Engineering, 2011, Natal - RN. Proceedings of International Congress of Mechanical Engineering, 21th. Rio de Janeiro: ABCM, 2011

LUDWIG, DANIEL EVANDRO ; PETRY, A.P.; Análise numérica da influência de fatores atmosféricos na esteira aerodinâmica de turbinas eólicas; Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 2011

LUZ, JOSE LEANDRO ROSALE; PETRY ADRIANE PRISCO ; Análise Numérica Do Desempenho Da Turbina Eólica De Eixo Horizontal Nrel Uae Phase Vi; Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior, 2012

MACHADO, ALYNE DOS SANTOS; Simulação molecular de reações de degradação de poluentes orgânicos por radicais livres; Semana de Iniciação Científica (SIC)

MATOS, M.; TERRA, J.; ELLIS, D. E.; New extended Hückel parameters from combined first principles-semi empirical theoretical studies of structure and bonding in hydroxyapatite systems; Encontro de Física 2011, 5-10 de junho de 2011, Foz do Iguaçu, PR

MORBEC, JULIANA M.; RAHMAN, GUL; Electronic and magnetic properties of SiC nanoribbons with vacancies and impurities; livro de resumos do 7th International Symposium on Advanced Materials and Nanostructures. Maio de 2012

MULLER, PATRIC; FREIRE, JOANA G.; PÖSCHEL, THORSTEN; GALLAS, JASON A.C.; Global stability diagrams of a ball bouncing on a vibrated elastic membrane;

MUNCHOW,G.B.,ABSY, J.M.,ALVES, R.C.M., PEZZI, L.P.; Resultados Preliminares de Simulações do Modelo Acoplado Coawst para o Estado do Rio Grande do Sul e Região Central do Oceano Atlântico Sul; XVII Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorlogia, Gramado, RS, 2012.

MUNIZ, ANDRE R. ; MAROUDAS, DIMITRIOS; Formation of superlattice structures by interlayer bonding in twisted bilayer graphene.; American Physical Society March Meeting 2012, 2012, Boston, MA

MUNIZ, ANDRE R. ; MAROUDAS, DIMITRIOS; Opening and tuning of band gap by the formation of diamond superlattices in twisted bilayer graphene.; Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, v. 86, p. 075404, 2012

PUMI, G.; LOPES, S.R.C.; Semiparametric Estimation on Multivariate Long-Range Dependent Time Series by Using the Smoothed Periodogram; Atas do XX SINAPE, João Pessoa - PB, 2012

RAHMAN, GUL; SUAREZ, VICTOR M. GARCIA; MORBEC, JULIANA M.; Intrinsic Magnetism in Nanosheets of SnO2 : A First-principles Study; Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2011.

RESENDE, WALKIRIA; NASCIMENTO, RENATO; XAVIER, CAROLINA; LOPES, IARA; NOBRE, CRISTIANE; The Use of Support Vector Machine and Genetic Algorithms to Predict Protein Function; SMC. Seoul, Korea, 2012.

RESENDE, W. K. ; NASCIMENTO, RENATO AURELIO SALES ; LOPES IARA FREITAS ; XAVIER CAROLINA RIBEIRO ; NOBRE, CRISTIANE NERI; The Use of SVM and Genetic Algorithms to Predict Protein Function; IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 2012, Seoul, Rep. of Korea. Proc. 2012 IEEE SMC, 2012

RIGO, M.M. ; ANTUNES D.A. ; SINIGAGLIA, M. ; CIBULSKI, SP ; CHIES J.A.B. ; VIEIRA G.F. ; Immunogenic epitopes of Hantaviruses N protein are restricted to conserved regions; Frontiers in Bioscience (Print), v. 17, p. 1582, 2012.

RIGO, VAGNER ALEXANDRE, CIGDEM, O. M., NGUYEN, Q. P., MIRANDA, C.; AB Initio Van Der Waals Interactions Of Hydrocarbons Adsorption On Carbonate Surfaces; Advanced School on Computational Materials Science for Energy and Environmental Applications: ASCMS; 7 a 16 de Setembro de 2011.

RIGO, VAGNER ALEXANDRE, MIRANDA, C.; Métodos de simulação moleculares aplicados às tecnologias do petróleo; Relatório anual de atividades bolsista CAPES-PNPD; Janeiro 2012.

RIGO, VAGNER ALEXANDRE, MIRANDA, C.; Theoretical study of hydrocarbons adsorbed on carbonate surfaces; 7 Brazilian/German Workshop on Applied Surface Science; 3 a 8 de Abril de 2011

RIGO, VAGNER ALEXANDRE; TONETTO, BRUNO; DE LARA, LUCAS STORI; MIRANDA, CAETANO; Functionalization of silica nanoparticles by hydrophobic and hydrophilic groups: a combined first principles and molecular dynamics calculations; XXXV Encontro Nacional de Matéria Condensada. Águas de Lindóia, 2012

RUPP, CAROLINE JASKULSKI; First-principles study of oxidized BC2N nanotubes; Revista International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, volume 112, páginas 3312-3319, 2012

RUPP, CAROLINE JASKULSKI; Theoretical study of Carbon, Boron Nitride and Mixed C/BN Nanoribbons; XI Encontro da SBPMat, Florianópolis-SC, 2012

RUPP, CAROLINE JASKULSKI; Estudo Teórico da Oxidação de Nanotubos de BC2N; XII Escola Brasileira de Estrutura Eletrônica realizada, Ciabá-MT, julho de 2012

SANTOS, E. D. ; XAVIER, C. ; PETRY, A. P.; Estudio Numérico de Flujos Turbulentos Isotérmicos en Canales y Flujos Laminares con Convección Mixta en Cavidades; Información Tecnológica (Impresa), v. 22, p. 71-82, 2011

SEELIG, MARINA FONSECA ; PETRY, ADRIANE PRISCO ; SCHNEIDER, P.S.; Guidance on choosing a measuring instrument for indoor particle pollution studies; Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (Print) , v. 184, p. 4591-4596, 2012

SILVA, FRANCISCO WELLEY NUNES; Transporte Eletrônico em Semicondutores Porosos Baseado na Equação de Schröediger Dependente do Tempo; Dissertação de Mestrado, Biblioteca da Física, Universidade Federal do Ceará, S58t CDD 621.38152

SILVA, ROBERTO DA; FELICIO, JOSE ROBERTO DRUGOWICH DE; MARTINEZ, ALEXANDRE SOUTO; Generalized Metropolis dynamics with a generalized master equation: An approach for time-independent and time-dependent Monte Carlo simulations of generalized spin systems; Phys. Rev. E, American Physical Society, 14 Junho 2012

SOCOLSKY C, RATES SM, STEIN AC, ASAKAWA Y, BARDON A. ; Acylphloroglucinols from Elaphoglossum crassipes: antidepressant-like activity of crassipin A; J Nat Prod. 2012 Jun 22;75(6):1007-17. Epub 2012 Jun 11.

STEIN, M. C. ; FERREIRA DA SILVA, M. ; DUCZMAL, L. H.; Alternatives to the Usual Likelihood Ratio Test in Mixed Linear Models; Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 2012

TERRA, J.; GONZALEZ, G. B.; ROSSI, A. M.; EON, J.G.; ELLIS, D. E.; Theoretical and Experimental Studies of Substitution of Zinc into Hydroxyapatite; Manuscrito em andamento

V. A. A., ESPINOZA; J., GOMEZ; S. G. H., BUSTAMANTE; C. A., TAFT.; Theoretical computational studies of doped nanotibes with (SO2); X Brazilian MRS Meeting 2011. Gramado-RS, 2011

XAVIER, CARLA MARQUES; Análise Numérica e Experimentalde Canais Compostos; Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior, 2011

XAVIER, C. ; PETRY, A.P. ; MÖLLER, S.V.; Large Eddy Simulation of turbulent flows in compound channels with a finite element code; Proceedings of International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermalhydraulics. Toronto: Canadian nuclear society, 2011

XAVIER, C. ; PETRY, A.P. ; MÖLLER, S.V. ; Large eddy simulation of turbulent flows in compound channels; International Congress of Mechanical Engineering, 21th, 2011, Natal, RN. Proceedings of International Congress of Mechanical Engineering 21th. Rio de Janeiro: ABCM, 2011.

ZANCANARO, F.V. JR; RECH, C.; SORIANO, B.S.; VIELMO, H.A; Steady Discharge Coefficient in Internal Combustion Engine; In: 14th Brazilian Congress of Thermal Sciences and Engineering, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Proceedings of the ENCIT, RJ, ABCM, 2012

ZANCANARO, F.V. JR; RECH, C.; SORIANO, B.S.; VIELMO, H.A; Numerical Simulation of Discharge Coefficient with Experimental Validation in a Internal Combustion Engine; 9th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Malta, Proceedings of the HEFAT, 2012